I dug this photo out of the archives. It’s from 2000 or 2001, when I was dating a cross-dressing guy who had tons of lovely bdsm equipment. The dress I’m wearing in the photo was his. We’d basically switch with each other, although I think at heart both of us were subs all the time.


3 Responses to “HNT”

  1. 1 Lilly

    I domme’d a guy and deep down, we’re both subs. Made it hard to dominate him! I didn’t feel into it enough.

    Great photo, btw

  2. 2 curvaceousdee

    You have gorgeous breasts. I’m sure I’ve said that already, but it’s worth saying again! (and that’s some pretty rope-work, too).

    HHNT, xx Dee

  3. 3 pantherapardus

    Your breasts really are lovely. Nibble-able nipples (say that ten times fast!).

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