Ageism and Sexuality

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been forced to confront my own ageism. You can’t date (and swing with) someone 18 years your senior without getting a good long look about your ingrained thoughts on aging and sex. We live in a society where older people, particularly older women, are desexualized. A woman past menopause is seen as fairly asexual. And it’s assumed that older men can’t get it up, but they can sometimes be “dirty old men” leering at attractive young women (which is considered kinda gross but expected - at least men get to retain some sex drive!).

What’s up with that? Our sexuality doesn’t automatically turn off at a certain age. I read a letter to Dear Abby a short while ago from a couple in their 80s who are enjoying a robust sex life, and they wanted to know how to keep their kids and grandkids from dropping by unannounced while they’re having sex. I thought this was fantastic. But when I saw a woman, probably in her mid to late 60s at the party we attended last Saturday, I thought (and said to MasterDoc), “Oh my god that woman’s so old!” MD didn’t take kindly to that comment seeing as he’s about 10-15 years away from that woman’s age. I tried to back track, “But, she looks like someone’s grandmother. I don’t expect someone’s grandmother to be at a swing/bdsm party.” He asked me, “Why not?” And I had to pause. Why not indeed?

While this woman’s wrinkled face gave away her age, she was in good shape and fashionably dressed. But even if she wasn’t, why the hell shouldn’t she experience and express her sexuality? Why was I putting her into this category of someone who shouldn’t be at a swing party? (I don’t go around thinking fat people shouldn’t be at swing parties, for instance. Lucky for me, seeing as I’m overweight.) It unfortunately comes down to my unconsciously buying into the societal idea that older people aren’t/shouldn’t be sexual. And there’s an added layer - we perceive older people being sexual as being “disgusting.” Why is that? Jeez, I hope that when I’m older I still have an active sex life. I don’t plan to dry up and wither away at age 60 or something. What is disgusting about an older person receiving pleasure? (We’re taught that only young bodies are attractive and that older bodies are unattractive.) While my brain still puts forth all these ageist ideas, at least now I’m looking at them, and pondering why I think that way and if I really should think that way.

It’s about time we let seniors be sexual. I’m going to work on my own negative reactions and try to overcome the stigma I’ve learned. I don’t expect it to improve over night, but it’s been gradually wearing away over the past couple of years.

1 Response to “Ageism and Sexuality”

  1. 1 kittyburns

    Thanks for this post. I’m a 51 year old cute and fit woman married to a 42 year old. After 16 years of vanilla sex marriage, we’ve been delving into the world of alternative sex and recently went to a swing club where I had an unpleasant experience. A young (20 something) guy came up to us (me, husband and beautiful, sexy, tiny, strawberry spinner friend) and said “You, (pointing at husband) I understand. Her, (pointing at 40 year old spinner) I understand. But you, (pointing at me, 5′4″ 130 lbs. wearing cute jeans, spike heels and black tank) don’t fit. You don’t seem like the type. You look like a school teacher.” Bingo - I am. I think it was less my style (sexy, but conservative) than it was my age. I tried not to let it get to me, but it did and now I’m reluctant to venture out there with my husband. I’m not ready for rejection when I’m putting myself out there to have fun. I hope more people have an open mind (like you!) and try to experience all ages. You might be surprised.

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